Tuesday 21 July 2015

In search of the waves

I'm working on a big update post about the past almost three weeks of hitchhiking, but as I'm starting another leg tomorrow I'll post the update later. For now, enjoy my smug face after going to bed in Vienna, Austria and waking up in Calais, France.

A particular book title has stuck with me for some time;  "In Search Of The Strange." I don't know what it's about but I like the title.

I've arrived in Pontorson, France, after a near two thousand kilometres journey from Vienna. The plan? Find a surfable beach. I'm making my way down the coast to Bilbao, and I intend to find a spot with a surf shop where I can bum a board for a few hours.

Why? Things happened and here I am, so why not? You don't need a massive goal to have an adventure.

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